Solidarity Week

Solidarity Challenge Game

One effective way to teach about solidarity is through interactive and engaging games. Here's a game that you can play with GSA or friends that models solidarity. 


To raise awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by marginalized communities and promote empathy and support.

Materials Needed

  1. Blank notecards (enough for 3 per player)
  2. Tokens or markers for tracking progress.
  3. Spinner or dice 
  4. A game board, whiteboard, or a large area with designated spaces.


  1. Place the game board or create designated spaces in a room, each representing a different scenario or challenge faced by marginalized communities.
  2. Distribute tokens or markers to each player.


  1. Each player gets 3 cards, and writes down 3 scenarios or challenges related to marginalized communities. Encourage players to consider how they’ve seen discrimination, accessibility issues, microaggressions, etc. happen in their schools or homes, or how they may have participated themselves.
  2. Players take turns rolling a dice or spinning a spinner to determine the number of spaces they move.
  3. When a player lands on a space, they draw a card that describes a scenario or challenge related to marginalized communities.
  4. Each card presents a situation that requires the player to respond with an action or decision. 
    1. For example: "You encounter a friend making an offensive joke about a marginalized group. What do you do?" 
    2. "You come across an event that lacks accessibility for individuals with disabilities. How do you react?"
  5. The player must then role-play the situation, demonstrating how they would respond with empathy and solidarity.
  6. After the role-play, the other players discuss the response. They can provide feedback and suggestions for more supportive actions.
  7. Encourage thoughtful discussion on the importance of solidarity and how their actions can positively impact marginalized communities.
  8. After each player’s turn, the other players offer affirmations of demonstrations of empathy, support, and solidarity, as well as suggestions for how to improve their approach. 
  9. After each player has had 3 turns, break for discussion.


After the game, engage in a group discussion to reflect on the experiences and insights gained. 

Sample Discussion Questions:

  • How did the game help you understand the challenges faced by marginalized communities?
  • What did you learn about showing solidarity and support in different situations?
  • How can you apply these lessons in real-life situations to support marginalized communities?
  • What are some practical actions you can take to promote inclusivity and empathy in your daily life?